In Feb., a 50-part series was released onto the platform, TikTok, by a creator named Reesa Teesa. This 50-part series took the platform by storm as various users of the platform stayed tuned to this creator’s story as she detailed her marriage and separation from a pathological liar nicknamed “Legion”.
This series, which is more than six hours long, managed to retain the attention of its viewers as the story had the viewers hook, line and sinker as they did not know what to expect from this marathon of a story. Reesa Teesa shares the details on how they met, how the relationship grew through the pandemic, how they moved in together and eventually got married in January of 2021. However, everything came crashing down after she had caught onto his web of lies.
The story began when she had met Legion in 2020. She had fallen for him hard; she says especially after he had expressed his desire to provide for her financially. On their first phone call together, he had told her that he was a divorced regional manager and had just recently moved to California from Georgia and on their first date talked about his goals of building a family and a stable life which aligned with Reesa’s own dreams.
After a while, Reesa had found out that she was pregnant and the pressure was beginning to dawn on her and was really wanting to settle down. So, they began to look at houses but they were not able to close any deals on the houses they were looking at as Legion had refused to show proof of funds to the realtors to back up his cash offers.
Reesa had a miscarriage, which she now says was a blessing as she recounted how she was at work and had felt pain and called Legion but he had told her could not take her. She had to ask her co-worker to drive her to the hospital.
By the time they signed the divorce papers, his lies had been unraveled before her. According to the information she had received, he worked as a temporary forklift driver, he never lived in California, and he had lied a lot about his family and had even lied about the death of a family member who had passed away before the pandemic.
Throughout the story telling, she actively acknowledged her mistakes. “You would have thought I was colorblind because I ignored all of that,” she says in one video. “I’m not a dumb person, but it just never dawned on me the things you now investigate,” she had said in another video. The pandemic also seemed to have added another layer to the situation making Legions words more believable.
This series of videos gave a lot of viewers on the platform a lot to think about, not just for the creator’s sake but also understanding what can happen if a person ignores the red flags and alarms. Another aspect was the fact that the creator had acknowledged the fact that they had ignored the red flags and also looked at it from a rational point of view throughout the narration of the story, allowing the viewers to see it the way she did.