Goodbye LLC, I’m gonna miss you!
May 1, 2023
I really didn’t expect to find myself in a position to write this out this quickly, but honestly I am going to seriously miss Lake Land College (LLC). It has taught me many things coming out of high school both directly and indirectly, all of which will be very useful in the near future.
For a little bit of history, I first came to LLC in the fall of 2021 with no friends or anybody I knew whatsoever. Additionally, I had no idea what I really wanted to do for a career until the discovery of what I’m truly passionate about today.
That discovery was the world of engineering and solving the world’s problems using math, which is actually so enlightening sometimes, especially when you realize a solution for something seemingly complicated could in reality be easily described in quite a compact equation.
So let’s talk about difficulty. This type of degree is truly brutal for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which being the general difficulty and scaling of the material, the lack of a support network (at the time), the lack of people close to you cheering you on when the times become rough, not having a study group of people in the same degree program (also at the time), having a living situation suddenly change without notice or planning and just so much more.
Without these things, the goal of ever reaching that degree, that accomplishment, becomes basically impossible. However, with a group of good hearted individuals supporting you, all of a sudden it becomes much more manageable.
So I just have to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time out of their day to speak to me, the people who dedicate their precious time to me, and so much more. You guys are all seriously the best.
With great sincerity,
Paul D.