See ya later, Navigator!
Staff photo of Samantha when she started at The Navigator in March of 2021. Photo retrieved from The Navigator.
April 30, 2022
When I started at Lake Land College (LLC), I quite literally had no idea what I was walking into. I never got to visit campus before enrollment and I did not actually step onto campus until spring because of the whole COVID-19 fiasco. Honestly, I didn’t expect to ever step on campus or even have a graduation in-person, so I am entirely grateful that I get to!
I still cannot believe two years have gone by so fast. I still think to myself that it feels like I graduated high school maybe a few months back. In this time though, I feel that I have come into my own and got to experience life as my own person. Since I also moved out of my parents’ house when I came to LLC, I feel like this whole experience has helped me become an adult. Of course, I am still learning and will be for a long while.
I have had the honor of leading the Navigator News team this year with my Co-Managing editor and roommate, Hannah Hunt. I had the greatest time trying to figure out how to make the Navigator the best it could be, and I made a lot of great friends on the way (Shout out to Shayla!). To the people who will be on the Navigator team next year, good luck and just know I’m rooting for you! (Also, please don’t ghost me, it will make me super sad because I’ll miss you all so much!)