Brady Clark is SGA parliamentarian

Clark poses with one of his goats. Photo provided by Brady Clark.

Shayla Taylor, Reporter

Lake Land College (LLC) sophomore Brady Clark is currently serving as the Student Government Association’s (SGA) parliamentarian. According to Clark, his duties are essentially to ensure that the group is following the constitution and proper procedure during meetings, as well as when voting and passing motions. In this same vein, he is the chair of the SGA judicial committee. He is also involved in the Ag Transfer club at LLC. 

Clark is from Louisville, Illinois, and graduated from North Clay High School in 2020. During his time in high school, he was the president of the North Clay Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter, the president of the science club,  the treasurer of his class and was involved in livestock judging. 

When asked what he likes most about SGA, Clark said, “I like that the point is to bring students together and to conquer issues within the college and give a voice to the students.” 

While Clark is an Ag Transfer major at LLC, he stated that he was actually pre-vet and plans to transfer to Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) to complete his undergraduate degree, and would love to move on to a vet school like the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U of I), University of Missouri (Mizzou) or the University of Tennessee (UTK). He currently has a herd of 15 pygmy goats that he raises at home, taking them to shows and selling them to cross-breeders across the country. He says he would love to open his own veterinary practice back in his home county and service both farm and companion animals. 

In his free time, Clark enjoys spending time with friends and family and attending church, something very important to his family and to him personally. He stressed that his faith is incredibly significant to him, declaring, “I want to carry my faith wherever I go. I want to be a good person and spread kindness and the love of God.” He has worked for Oil Belt Christian service camp for around a year and a half. He works full-time in the summer, but also part-time year-round as the programming assistant.

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