Pam Hartke is the new associate dean of enrollment management

Pam Hartke poses in at Lake Land College (LLC) with a smile. Photo provided by Hartke.

Darrius Frazier, Archivist

Pam Hartke has recently been named the new associate dean of enrollment management. Hartke’s previous position was admissions representative, which she served for over seven years. Prior to this position, Hartke said that, “[she] was also a part-time worker in the admissions office when [she] was earning [her] Associate’s degree here.” She continued, stating, “While earning my Master’s degree at EIU, I was a grad assistant in career services for a year.”

In regards to her new position, Hartke stated that she “responded to an internal job posting through our Human Resources department for the position.” “ I was required to submit my cover letter, resume and references in order to be considered. In early December, I met with the interview committee for an interview with a decision being made prior to the Christmas break,” she said.

Additionally, Hartke said, “My past work experience in higher education has really prepared me for the associate dean position. I have over 12 years’ full time experience in higher education, not only at a community college but at a four-year university. Through those years, I have had exceptional mentors, coworkers and leaders that have taught and helped me so much! I am sure that in this new role, I will continue to learn more about the ever changing landscape of higher education.”

As stated above, Hartke is an alum at both Lake Land College (LLC) and Eastern Illinois University (EIU). Hartke attended LLC from 1997-99 and graduated with an Associate’s degree in business administration. Afterwards, Hartke transferred to EIU and earned her Bachelor’s degree in marketing. Hartke also received her Master’s degree in college student affairs at EIU. Between when she graduated with her Master’s at EIU and when she worked full-time at LLC, Hartke worked at Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville (SIUE) for five years in the admissions office. Hartke held two positions–admissions counselor and coordinator of recruitment–during her time there at SIUE. 

“I love working on campus,” Hartke mentioned, “being on campus at Lake Land College has always felt like home to me, not only as a staff member but as a student. All the faculty and staff are so friendly and helpful! When we had to work remotely due to COVID, it was really a struggle for me. I couldn’t wait to be back on campus, and seeing coworkers and students.”

Hartke is originally from Newton, Illinois and now resides in Dieterich, Illinois, along with her husband, Caleb, and two daughters, Sloane and Saylem. In addition, the Hartke family has two beloved dogs, which are boxers.

Pam Hartke with her husband and two daughters. Photo retrieved from Facebook.

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