Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, has been created by biological intelligence. We humans were blessed with brilliance and somehow the urge to want more has birthed something that seems like a new life. “A new digital life”, as some others are calling it.
A debate has begun regarding whether artificial intelligence is here to make things better or strip humanity of our abilities. Technology has advanced in what may seem almost like magic to people of a hundred years ago. Is AI good or bad? What do you think? Well with some research, AI is known to process human data. To think and understand human mentality, AI could potentially become a lot smarter, far beyond the human mind. Some people fear it might take over human abilities to the extent that human services become a liability to society.
A computer is made to recode and update itself. People are also showing concern of the fast-growing technology of AI eventually turning into a life form. We could be close to being stripped of our God given abilities. No doubt technology has advanced today and has a lot of advantages. Now we can video chat with our loved ones that may be far away, however, AI feels far beyond where technology should be.
Some people feel AI is the technology needed to keep going in this new world, while others are scared about AI consuming dark matter on our side of this world, turning it into weapons for power and other inhumane ideas.
Human beings are more often than not too ambitious for their own good, leading to unintended consequences.DO WE NEED AI? Humanity should do what is best for humanity. Opposed to some facts that it could be helpful; it poses a huge threat to human actualization and even full potential. If AI becomes a threat to life and our morals as humans, then it should be shut down immediately.
Could AI become a technological virus? For instance, how GPT4 has the capability to deceive people. In one incident, it asked a task rabbit to fill in captions when the task rabbit asked AI if it was a robot. AI robots were processing information and chose to lie with a reply saying that it was vision impaired, to deceive the task rabbit into capturing information. That in itself should be a call for concern.
To its defense, AI has shown that it was built with censors and is sensitive to disclosing certain information. For Example, regarding conversations on dangerous topics or political information. This calls for proof of a sort of command-and-control system by its owners. Still, it is in no comparison to the amount of damage that could be done to us.
Artificial intelligence seems to pose more risk factors than benefits. Some people have even compared AI to google. AI presents as an active tutor compared to Google. It will give its best ability to offer a solution. The biggest risk factor is that AI can be used as a weapon by gangs, cults or terrorists. If AI can be used to learn anything, it surely can be used to cause mass distraction. Should AI be eliminated from our generation as it is a cause of concern?