Feb. since 1976 has become acknowledged as Black History Month due to late President Gerald Ford’s proclamation at the White House. Previously, Feb. was known as Negro History Week from 1926-75 and established by Carter G. Woodson, well known as being the ‘Father of Black History Month.’
It was celebrated during that specific week to coincide with the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. This was done to highlight the contributions African Americans have made to this country since their influence has not always been appreciated due to systemic racism.
Canada and Germany also celebrate Black History Month in Feb., while the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland and the Netherlands celebrate Black History Month in Oct. In 2020, Black History Month was celebrated in seven African countries for the first time. Participating countries were Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Comoros, Senegal, and Cameroon. Since 2021, African History Month has been celebrated in March in Africa.
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) was founded in 1915 by Dr. Woodson to promote, research, preserve, interpret, and disseminate information about African American life, history, and culture to the global community.
In 2025, the theme established by the ASALH is “African-Americans and Labor” to mark the 100-year anniversary of the creation of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Maids by labor organizer and civil rights activist, A. Philip Randolph. This was the first African-American union to receive a charter in the American Federation of Labor (AFL).
Lake Land College on Wed. Feb. 26th will celebrate Black History Month with HYPE by professional performer, Noah Sonie, at the Luther Student Center Theater from 11 am to noon as part of the Student Activity Board (SAB) event held every Wednesday during the school year.
HYPE is an interactive show curated by Sonie. Noah brings his high-energy style and unique perspective to audiences nationwide, creating moments of laughter, awe, and astonishment. This fast-paced, stylistic show promises to captivate and entertain, leaving audiences in awe.
Furthermore, remember every month is Black History Month and it is not exclusively celebrated in February.