As the Christmas season grows closer and closer, people’s Christmas lists begin being formed. For families, especially ones without pets, a common item on a Christmas list would be a pet. Usually, the pet will be a cat or a dog, but it can also include unusual or unrealistic ones. Who would not want to fulfill a kid’s dreams of having a new cuddly companion? But it is important to acknowledge that there are many risks when gifting a pet, especially for Christmas.
It is very important to remember that children may not realize what they are ultimately asking for. Of course, a pet is a new member of the family, but they also require care. Depending on the animal, they can be very difficult to take care of if one does not know what they are doing, especially for a child. The child could easily say they understand, but it is important to look at how they are taking care of other things before they have a pet. For instance, are they able to fulfill their chores or complete their homework on time? A child should not be the beneficiary caretaker of said pet, but they should still know how to take care of one if they wish for one on Christmas.
Another important factor in why a pet for Christmas is not a good idea is, put simply, they are an animal. They are not a simple toy or other gift that comes when opening presents, they are a member of your family and have feelings. Oftentimes, a child may put items onto their Christmas list without taking much thought into what they are asking for and a pet is no different. Think back to your childhood, where are there presents you received and played with for a bit then abandoned soon after? It is not an uncommon experience for children. Attention spans are still growing in their childhood years, and they can easily forget about their things or just stop giving them attention.
Overall, many people may forget that a pet is not just a decoration or a toy, they are a member of the family and should be treated as such. When one goes to rehome their pet because their child may not have liked it or bonded with it, that affects the animal too. There are lots of studies that conclude that an animal being rehomed can be very traumatic to said animal. Obviously, things can happen in which a pet may need to be rehomed, but that should be avoided as much as possible, for the animal’s sake.