Gojo Satoru, a fictional character from an anime titled “Jujutsu Kaisen” (JJK), which was adapted from the manga with the same name written by Gege Akutami. On the release of the second season of the anime which was animated by studio MAPPA and Shōta Goshozono taking over as the new director, there was a drastic change in the art style.
One of the most visible changes was the characters being more muscular with well-developed muscles and more expressive character animations allowing for more definition in the characters’ faces. In the aspect of well-developed muscles, that can be called “Fan service.” Slowly, word of a handsome and sexually attractive anime character was slowly spreading among people.
More people started watching the show because of Gojo and slowly it was long forgotten that he was not the main character. The plotline is good and great even though it cannot catch up to the big three; “One piece,” “Naruto,” and “Bleach,” but when a large portion of people watch a show not for the plot but for a handsome character, people that enjoy the show for the plot gets overshadowed by the new fans.
It became an eye opener when the vote for the best anime main character for Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2024 did not include Gojo’s name and instead it had his student’s name. But that did not deter them from voting for the anime and Gojo at any chance they got. Do not get me wrong, the plot is great but if it gets voted for because people are obsessed with the way a character is animated to look physically appealing, then it is not worth it.
When the character was killed off in the manga which was ahead of the anime, the popularity of the show dropped drastically. Some fans considered dropping the series altogether while some did drop it since their reason for watching and reading is dead. When he was rumored to be back, which was just another of his students that possessed his body to fight Sukuna, the main villain. Many of whom had dropped the series due to his death picked it back up.
An example of the effect their obsession with him had on some people was a women took to Reddit to talk about her fiancé breaking off their engagement because she got a Gojo tattoo. She offered to get him a Geto (who happened to be Gojo’s best friend, which in this case could be the equivalent of a couple) tattoo but he had no idea what that meant and saw the tattoo as a deal-breaker.
As a true fan of the show, the show is great and killing the character off was needed for every other character’s character development. The manga would be ending Sept. 30, buckle down for the final fate of Gojo’s body.