Over the summer, there have been some very clear but amazing changes to the buildings and landscape around campus. One of the most altered buildings is Neal Hall, the building which holds the art and nursing classes. The art section of the building has recently finished up and the students who attend both Professor Birdwell and Professor Cohan’s classes have audibly voiced their opinions on the new look to the building.
The art side of the building now features some new chairs and tables to fill the empty gallery, allowing more students to sit and stand in the room where student work is displayed.
Leaving the art section, there is a small carpeted common area that holds some red and black modern couches, which now offer more seating to waiting students between classes.
The rest of the building halls are now branding some fresh new black, gray and red carpet with some modern tables and chairs.
The first day in the art room, a few students took notice of the new cabinets and lighting, which are now motion activated.
When asked about how she feels about the building, student Emma Catharine Ross, replied that she overall really liked the new design. “I like that there is more seating,” she mentioned, “but the red kinda strains your eyes.” The bright red seating to the building has been one of the larger Neal Hall changes, this definitely offers a more friendly student commons area as well as adding color to the already empty halls.
The students who have classes in Neal Hall may be unaware of what will be going on next within the building. The beautification project has been moved to more outdoors focused projects, such as new landscaping, directly outside the north Neal Hall entrance.