All Aboard! This train is leaving the LLC station!

Adam Alexander will be graduating in May 2023. Photo via Maia Voegel.

Adam Alexander, Social Media Manager

I guess it is time to say goodbye to the Navigator as well as to all of you at Lake Land College (LLC). I hope you all enjoyed my random sports stories, movie reviews, Dungeons and Dragons content and opinion pieces! It has been a fun run here at the Navigator as well as LLC. 


Thank you all for improving my writing capabilities as well as improving the way I made social media posts. Thank you Matt Landrus for pushing me out of my comfort zone to join the Navigator. If it was not for him I would not have been a part of the team. With that I encourage anyone to join the team. It is a great experience, as well as a great way to improve your writing skills.


There is not much I would change with this experience, but there is one snippet of advice I would like to give anyone at LLC. Make sure that you have a plan when completing assignments! No matter if that plan is writing 2-4 page papers or 4 articles on the day they are supposed to be due. Make sure you have enough time to complete your work.


It’s been a fun ride, but it is now time for me to get off of this one and onto the next. My next stop is to Eastern Illinois University (EIU). At EIU I plan to continue my studies to become a history teacher. I plan to complete my History degree with Teacher Licensure in Social Sciences! Thank you to the Navigator as well as LLC for helping me get myself to where I want to be!

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