Uhh bye

Audra Gullquist will be graduating in May 2023. Photo via Maia Voegel.

Audra Gullquist, Editor-in-Chief

In Aug. 2021, I began classes at Lake Land College (LLC) and joined the Navigator after applying through a QR code I saw posted on a bulletin board at my high school. I anxiously sat through a day-long orientation for the Navigator and began to navigate the struggles of college life, not knowing how much this school and job would impact me.


During my freshman year I worked as the Layout and Design Editor and expressed my creativity through designing the newspaper. I became close with my coworkers on the team, learned a lot about writing and American Publication (AP) style and spent a majority of my time hunched over a computer.


At the start of the fall 2022 semester, I changed my major to Speech Pathology and the role of Editor-in-Chief was handed down to me. This position has led me to great opportunities and many late nights in the Navigator office, complaining with Maia Voegel, who took over my previous role of Layout and Design Editor. I’ve been able to make connections with wonderful faculty, staff and students at LLC. I’ve interviewed people I never imagined meeting, such as Allie Keck who was on The Voice (go read my article about it if you haven’t yet). I even attended a journalism conference at the College of DuPage, where I placed first in the news story category. 


LLC has left me with many great memories. I am grateful that most of my professors were very caring and patient even when I had no idea what I was doing. My time at LLC has been incredibly rewarding, despite the stress of college life, especially during covid.


Next fall I will attend Eastern Illinois University (EIU) to receive my associate’s degree in Speech Pathology. I also have received the Copy-Editor position at EIU’s news team, the Daily Eastern News (DEN). I am not sure about any other future plans. However, I wasn’t sure when I enrolled at LLC either, and it all turned out okay. I’m very fortunate for all the connections and friendships LLC and the Navigator have provided me with. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my professors, peers, coworkers and my advisor Dustyn Fatheree. Graduating is definitely a bittersweet moment for me, but I’m excited to see where EIU takes me. Thank you to everyone who helped me grow throughout these past two years. 

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