National Day of Silence is on April 14!

Show your support by participating in this year’s National Day of Silence. Photo via GSafe.​

Maia Voegel, Is always questioning her sexuality

PRIDE club here on Lake Land’s campus is holding a day of silence in observance of National Day of Silence on April 14. This day is a day of silence and observance for all those apart of the LGBTQIA+ community who have lost their lives for being who they are. The National Day of Silence is observed by GLESEN which is a national campaign for respect and continued activism for the community. Marcy Satterwhite, the advisor to the PRIDE club here on campus, stated, “the National Day of silence is usually the second Friday of April. It brings attention to anti-LGBTQIA+ name calling and [discrimination] to make schools safer at the High School, [and] college level.” Marcy also said that the day of silence is sponsored by “the GLSEN and they have a website with information and other things like that, the whole point of it is to raise attention to try to make schools safer.” 


The “PRIDE club is planning to put up posters in lobby of the student services building and at many schools students in observance of it will not speak at all that day.” When asked how other students can participate at the college, Satterwhite responded with: “one thing they can do is be supportive on their social media if they want to actively participate or many put a piece of tape over their mouths if wanting to fully participate. At the end of the day students would take the tape off of their mouths to ‘break their silence’ and spread information” about many topics concerning awareness and attention of anti-LGBTQIA+ actions. 


LLC also has a “Safe with Me” program that has mainly been open to staff but is now being open to students where students can educate themselves and become an ally on campus and off. This is something that will come into being in following weeks that will be beneficial to those that want to further educate and eradicate stigma and ignorance. Many professors and faculty on LLC’s campus have taken this course and students can see this by a sticker most likely on their office doors. This program means students who are facing discrimination and prejudice whether at home or on campus have a safe place to talk and find resources they need. For further information on PRIDE’s day of silence or about the “Safe with Me” campaign contact [email protected]

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