Peace out Lake Land

Trinity Turner’s first staff photo, taken in Aug 2021. Photo via Navigator News.

Trinity Turner, Copy Editor

    When I first came to Lake Land College (LLC), I came with the belief that I was going to hate it. LLC is a lot bigger than my small two-story High School. However, LLC seemed manageable since I knew a lot of students that attend LLC. I was still close to home and some of my classes had my classmates from High School in them. 


   These instances worked out in my favor. Having friends in my classes made them easier. In my first year, my best friend was in all of my classes but one. She helped ease my anxiety and not be so scared about being in a new environment. I am very shy, but I wanted to do something different.


       At an open house event, I heard about Navigator News, and that same friend (she is literally a lifesaver) said that it would be perfect for me. So, I got more information and scheduled an interview. I was nervous but excited to be writing for people to read. 


       During my time at Navigator News, I got to meet some fantastic people and do some amazing things. I got to interview the owner of Ashmore Estates, learn all the things LLC has to offer, like Laker Louie Jr. and work with two amazing teams. Needless to say, if you need a little gas money, I highly recommend Navigator News! We might be a little crazy at times and scramble at the last minute, but we have fun.


          To the Navigator staff, thank you for making LLC fun and putting up with me! Good luck with all you guys do, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate! I will miss you!

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