Dahmer reborn
The anticipated wait for Ryan Murphy’s new show is over! Released Sept. 1, “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is now streaming on Netflix. Photo via Rotten Tomatoes.
October 4, 2022
The anticipated wait for Ryan Murphy’s new show is over! Released Sept. 1, “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is now streaming on Netflix.
Monster will tell the story of Serial Killer Jeffery Dahmer. Jeffery Dahmer was a homosexual man who would go into gay bars to find his victims. After buying a victim a drink, he would take them back to his apartment and kill them. He then would dismember their bodies and place their hearts in his freezer. He would later resort to eating the hearts and other body parts.
However, Monster is said to tell this story from the victims’ point of view so it will be interesting to see Murphy’s twist.
Murphy is known for his work in creating American Horror Story (AHS), Scream Queens and American Crime Story. Since Murphy seems to have a niche for all things spooky and dark, it only makes sense that he is now doing a take on Dahmer.
Evan Peters is playing the lead role of Jeffrey Dahmer in the new series. Peters is known for his complex and dark roles in Murphy’s series, American Horror Story. Hopefully, Murphy and Peters will bring this serial killer back to life and portray him in a way viewers haven’t seen before.
Stream Season One of Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story now on Netflix!